Dear Love

05/16/2019, past 4 am Dear Love, You know how some movies take you to a time and place? I am now watching "He's Just Not That Into You." And it took me back to when I first watched this movie. Back then, I was in love with this guy. I thought he was my one great love. To me, back then, he was perfect. Smart. Hard-working. And not bad looking. He was quite charming. I thought he loved me. Maybe he did... but not as much as he loved other things. When I watched HJNIY, it brought to light a lot of things. When you're in love or heartbroken, everything means something. You relate to everything. So this movie, it made me think and realize that what we had, whatever it was, was not worth the pain and heartache. We do not all have that one great love that's epic and tragic but end up happy. Most of us, we fall in love quietly... without much fanfare and no drama. It might seem boring and ho-hum but most relationships are like that. Boring. Not worth being written about or watching. But it does not mean those are less magical than…

Dear Love

Dear Love

02/06/2019 Dear Love, It's February. When it's February, I usually do this thing... do a podcast or make a vlog series. I was going to do Vloglentines this year again but I could not. Then I thought maybe I should just do what I feel is easy. You see I was never really good at relationships or commitments. But I was always good at one thing: writing love letters. Maybe because I didn't always have anybody to really talk to. Not that I did not have friends. But somehow I always found it easier to share my thoughts by writing. In journals. In personal essays. Even in school projects. In high school, I would be so busy in February. I wrote love letters. Not just for my crush but for other people. I wrote love letters that my friends would send to their girlfriends or to their crushes or to the girls they are courting. Often, I'd ask them what they want to say. Then, I would take a sheet from my stationery collection. And write as beautifully as I could. Sometimes, they would not even tell me what to write. I just wrote whatever I thought would put a…


"Tell her why. At least give her the chance to have feelings about it. For god’s sake!” – Meredith Grey, Grey’s Anatomy Season 2 Episode 2 Sabi dito ENTJ daw personality ko. Sabi rin "ENTJs desire closure in their lives, wanting to make conclusions about things or people quickly." AWOW! I'm not one to easily believe these online quizzes and tests but I have consistently gotten an ENTJ result the past few years. (I used to be ENFP.) Anyway, the point is... apparently, I need closure. Personality test and diagnosis aside, yes, I am that person. It took me almost five years to get over my first love. And he wasn't even my boyfriend. We just had an on and off thing. I moved on because I got the closure I wanted. We didn't really part ways. Rather, he got himself a girlfriend. And yes, brave old me was calm and collected. I maintained my friendship with the guy. And his girlfriend. HUWOW! That started a pattern in all my relationships which I terribly regret now. So how did I get the closure I wanted? I asked for it. Some four or five years after he got himself a girlfriend,…

The One Where I Ask The One You Love or… Podcast

The Feb-ibig Love and Hugot podcast series continues with this! This episode is inspired by Jexx Hinggo's snap and FB post: "The one who loves you or the one you love?" In the podcast, I share my friends and followers' answers and I share my own hugot experience, as well. Do listen. But don't judge. Haha! This February, buy the one you love and the one who loves you a bouquet of flowers from Eufloria Ph. Eufloria Ph Rose Arrangement Check out their Facebook Page at and follow them on Instagram @eufloriaph. Write up on My Davao City soon. We still have a few slots for our Valentine's Bake Sale for a Cause entitled "LOVE and HUGOT: Desserts will never break your heart." More details on this soon. Meantime, like our event page at this LINK. Happy Feb-ibig! ;)

The One About Lies Our Exes Told Us Podcast

OLAAA! Happy Feb-ibig, everybody! All podcasts from now to February 14 will be all about love, relationships, break ups, bitternesseses, and hugotses. So whether you're taken or single, there's something for you. The first installment for Feb-ibig 2016 is from a post I saw on Facebook. The post asks: "Name a lie your ex told." Let the hugotses pour out. Do comment and share your answers and questions. And do suggest a topi for future Love and Hugot podcasts. And oh, please do visit our Valentine's Bake Sale for a Cause entitled "LOVE and HUGOT: Desserts will never break your heart." More details on this soon. Meantime, like our event page at this LINK.