Life Lately May 2019

Life Lately May 2019 [Podcast]

I am back with a fresh podcast and along with it plans for future episodes. This new episode is the first of my Life Lately series where I will share what I have been up to. Here's the first one: Life Lately May 2019. Life Lately, May 2019 Life Lately episodes will be monthly. I hope. And I will feature what is happening in my life, exciting news, stuff I tried, recommendations, and my latest obsessions. The podcast will also contain episodes on specific themes and topics. So let me know down below if anything specific interests you. Life with Ria on Spotify And here is something totally new! My podcast is now on Spotify. Listen to Life with Ria on Spotify Click on the embedded Spotify player or click on this link to view and follow my podcast on Spotify. Important Links Here are the stuff I mentioned which might interest you. First, my Blogs: - personal stuff, entertainment, politics, and random - beauty, style, tech, and - food, cooking, and other foodie - everything about Davao City and the Davao Region - tech news, apps, gadget sale alerts Other links and…

Dear Love

05/16/2019, past 4 am Dear Love, You know how some movies take you to a time and place? I am now watching "He's Just Not That Into You." And it took me back to when I first watched this movie. Back then, I was in love with this guy. I thought he was my one great love. To me, back then, he was perfect. Smart. Hard-working. And not bad looking. He was quite charming. I thought he loved me. Maybe he did... but not as much as he loved other things. When I watched HJNIY, it brought to light a lot of things. When you're in love or heartbroken, everything means something. You relate to everything. So this movie, it made me think and realize that what we had, whatever it was, was not worth the pain and heartache. We do not all have that one great love that's epic and tragic but end up happy. Most of us, we fall in love quietly... without much fanfare and no drama. It might seem boring and ho-hum but most relationships are like that. Boring. Not worth being written about or watching. But it does not mean those are less magical than…