Rainy Day

Rainy Days and Mondays

Hanging around
Nothin’ to do but frown
Rainy days and Mondays always get me down

Rainy Days and Mondays, The Carpenters

First, I love The Carpenters but I don’t hate rainy days and Mondays. I used to love the rain. And I used to love Mondays. Keywords: “USED TO.”

In fact, I loved rainy days. As a sweaty person, I avoided any and all chances of being under the sun and getting sweaty.

Growing up, I barely commuted, except going to school and going back home a few times in high school. And for a few semesters in college. And when I started working as an adult, I also barely commuted. Hence, no real reason to hate rainy days.

Even when there were flooding in some areas or when traffic was a hassle, I did not mind it much. When finding a cab is a hassle because of heavy rains, I would just spend time at a cafe or wherever I am and just wait it out. I did not mind the rain or its hassles.

Plus, rainy days and nights also make the weather cooler and more comfortable for me. Rainy days would usually be spent sleeping in or just lounging around. And rainy nights are perfect for drinking. Or again, sleeping.

And Mondays? They were my rest days. When I worked as a publicist and PR consultant for the poker club and other clients, I kept my Mondays and Thursdays free. There were usually events on weekends, even Sundays. So I would take Monday as my me time. Usually, to sleep. Or just do nothing.

The pandemic changed that. I still enjoy rainy days and Mondays. But not as much as I used to.

Not because rainy days and Mondays became worse for me. To be honest, all my days have been more chill, less frenetic than before. But I understand better why people hate rainy days and Mondays.

The pandemic gave me the opportunity to listen and learn more about people. Have conversations with them. Know how their lives are so much different than mine. And it has given me a different view on rainy days and Mondays and on life, in general.

It’s jarring and at times, comical. At 40 years old and with what I thought to be a wealth of experiences and a lifetime with openmindedness, I have come to realize I live in a bubble that has shielded me from a lot of life’s harsh realities. Has it made me a better person? I hope so.

To most people, rainy days are days when it is harder to commute. More difficult to work and run errands. And of course, rainy days (and nights) also mean possible flooding. For a lot of adults, Mondays mean back to work. Back to grinding. Working tirelessly to earn money. And for kids, Mondays mean school. Rainy days and Mondays are not easy for most people.

While rainy days and Mondays remain same to me, I now recognize it is not quite as simple for other people.

Monday today

Coincidentally, there is a national transport strike today to protest the Philippine government’s jeepney modernization program. So this Monday is extra hard for our jeepney drivers, operators, and all commuters nationwide. Please read up on this to understand the issues better.

Experts and manufacturers fear that the high cost of modern jeepneys could force a fare hike, especially since some jeepney operators are already struggling to pay for the monthly amortization of their new vehicles.

From: “Can jeepney fares stay at P15 after modernization?”

Transport strikes used to have no real effect on me as I usually take taxis or just stay at home. But now, I recognize I have to be more concerned about it even if it does not affect me significantly. Because there is a large population significantly affected by it today and for many days and maybe years to come.

I still do not hate rainy days and Mondays. But I do not love them as much.

Let’s try to make rainy days and Mondays and every day better for each other. That’s the best we can do.

Monday Playlist

Here is a gift to make this Monday and your mornings a little bit better. Wake up with this Monday Morning energizer playlist.


Leave your own recommendations to energize your mornings.

Have a great week, everyone. Be safe.

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