Rainy Day

Rainy Days and Mondays

Hanging aroundNothin' to do but frownRainy days and Mondays always get me down Rainy Days and Mondays, The Carpenters First, I love The Carpenters but I don't hate rainy days and Mondays. I used to love the rain. And I used to love Mondays. Keywords: "USED TO." In fact, I loved rainy days. As a sweaty person, I avoided any and all chances of being under the sun and getting sweaty. Growing up, I barely commuted, except going to school and going back home a few times in high school. And for a few semesters in college. And when I started working as an adult, I also barely commuted. Hence, no real reason to hate rainy days. Even when there were flooding in some areas or when traffic was a hassle, I did not mind it much. When finding a cab is a hassle because of heavy rains, I would just spend time at a cafe or wherever I am and just wait it out. I did not mind the rain or its hassles. Plus, rainy days and nights also make the weather cooler and more comfortable for me. Rainy days would usually be spent sleeping in or just lounging…