Dear Love

Dear Love, I have been planning to write this for a few days now. Despite how complicated what we had was, you were the only one who really saw me. You listened to me. Tried to understand me. Remembered things I mentioned. Consoled me when I needed it. I guess what I am trying to say is "thank you!" For the longest time, I kept on asking myself why our memories mean much to me. We did not have much. Not much time nor memories together. Yet what we had... whatever it was, it still means much to me. And it struck me. You truly saw and understood who I am. And I haven't realized that there are so few so who did that for me, made me feel seen and understood. Like my problems mattered. As if what I said had meaning. That my victories, big and small, were things I should be proud of. While I regret so much of what happened between us, I am still grateful because you always listened. You were always there to comfort me. You never insisted on solving my problems for me but you were always ready to help when I asked…

Dear Love

Dear Love, I cannot believe I am finally doing this. And I hope I do follow through because I know I need to. This is just the first of what I think would be many. To you and to others to whom I owe my words to. First off, I want to make it clear that I am doing this without any agenda or intention other than to say the words I have meant to say. To share my thoughts and finally let go of things. I am a mess. I usually am... but now more than ever. And it is sad that the one person I badly want to talk to is the one person I cannot and should not talk to about it. My life has always been this comical tragedy that people would never think could happen in real life... so I guess I should not be shocked anymore that this is currently where I am at. For now, this is all I can say... I have never thought it possible for me to be so wrong about myself and about you... about us. After decades, I finally know it has always been you. Whether by fate…