A Letter to You


You have become the people you loathe so much. And it pains me so much that it has come to this. You can no longer be talked to, without you reeking of smugness and arrogance.

Yes, I hope you read this and realize this is for you. I have a thousand things I’d like to say to you but I say everything because despite everything you’ve done, I still consider you as a friend.

You’ve told me many times about how this one person is too proud and harsh, how he makes your life hell. Well, guess what, you’ve become like him. Harsh, too proud, and unwilling to listen to others.

We’ve bashed this other person many times coz he thinks too highly of himself, and he wants to get credit and attention even id he doesn’t deserve it. Know what, you have become him. You might not know it but people are starting to talk about you and how you have changed so much. Changed into somebody you despise.

You talk as if you have achieved glory and success by yourself, with your hard work. You didn’t and everybody knows it. You are so smug about what you have achieved and you don’t think twice about rubbing it on other people’s faces. What you don’t realize is people know and recognize the truth. You are not there because you deserve it or worked hard for it. Other people worked hard with you and for you.

And don’t ever forget to look back on how hard we, together, worked to accomplish and attain something. We almost had it, you know. We might not have gotten the big prize, but we accomplished so much more. We trained people, changed perceptions, and gained respect. But you traded it for something else.

I would have respected your decision, had you not become so smug and disrespectful.

Just be careful coz you might be struck by lightning just when you least expect it. In the end, it won’t matter how many games you win, how many prizes you have. All that will matter is who you are, and how you treat other people.

I do not mean to embarrass you, or shame you. But you cannot be talked to anymore with you being smug and arrogant. So I wrote this letter. Not out of spite or anger, but with sincere hope that you realize, you have changed. And it’s not for the better.


0 thoughts on “A Letter to You

  1. From Billy

    Faith in Jesus is believing that God is and is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him.

    Faith in Jesus boils down to just one thing, will you trust Him in life’s greatest trials? Paul the Apostle was a prisoner on a ship, when a great storm arose.

    The ship was in great danger of sinking, but God spoke to Paul by an angel who told him that if they all stayed in the ship it would not sink, and they would all be saved.

    What trust this took, how many of us would have tried some other way, maybe by swimming, or clinging to some piece of old wood.



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