This is How I Love

Alternate Title: The Way I Play DotA and Poker is Also The Way I Love
Subtitle: P*TANG INA! SATC and Grey’s Anatomy Marathons are EEEVIL!

I’m a pretty aggressive person who does and say things when and how I want to do and say it. I curse more than the average person, and I go out and do things that my relatives aren’t proud of. In fact, they cringe at most of the things I do. One recent conversation with my relatives pointed to me as having inherited most, if not all, of the bad habits of my aunts and uncle: academic underachievement, drinking, gambling, and more. I’m a bad girl, I know.

But when it comes to love, I am no bad girl and no aggressor. I love the way I play DotA. As a DotA player, I play support most of the time. I take care of my teammates and make sure they look and perform well. And by golly, I am the same way in most relationships. I’m a nurturer. I take care of people. (SHUDDAP!) I make sure they eat on time, do things the right way, and do the things they have to accomplish. I think I was more of a mother figure to my ex, than a girlfriend. And yeah, this is the same for my past boys, boylets, flavors of the month, and such. Haller! Swerte nila, mga leche!

As a support player in DotA, I often end up without gold or items. I spend money on making sure that the map is warded, and my teammates are able to farm, gank, and push without hassle. And if I do get any items, it’s an item to support my team’s gameplay. Same with my love affairs. I take care of the other person, and forget about myself. I care too much about him and us, that I don’t take time and exert effort to take care of myself. Boooo!

I probably need a man who can take care of himself, somebody who does not need me to take care of him. Hi there established, stable men! WHERE ARE YOU?!

In the poker club, I am known as Miss Check and Call. When the cards aren’t right or I don’t get the feeling it will win, I fold. But when I get good cards, even when I’m sure to win, I rarely bet or raise. I just check, check, check, and call when somebody else bets or raises. I rarely go all in. I only do so when my stack is low and my cards are sure to win. Yes, I’m no aggressor. I need a man with balls. OF STEEL. Who will coax me out of my safe zone, and get me to bet on him. I need somebody willing to bet on me.

This is probably why, like Carrie Bradshaw, I “choose the wrong men.” Because I usually call on the few who bet on me, even if they’re no good. And apparently, the good men… I scare them away. That’s what people say. And the wrong men? Apparently, I challenge them so much, that they are the ones who take a chance on me.

I am Miss Play Safe. I rarely flirt or show motive, not even when I really like a guy. Especially when I really like a guy. You’d know I like you when I go quiet and shy around you. LOL! I need you to bet on me, and wait for me to check and call your bet.

I might have strong convictions and a woman of action when it comes to work, politics, and many other things, but when it comes to love, I am quite passive and a safe player. So the burden’s on the guy. But you know that when you bet on me and I call your bet, you are lucky. Modesty aside, I’d like to think I’m a pretty good girlfriend. I’m a nurturer, ya know. I’d take care of you the way I take care of my teammates.

So what you waiting for Mr. Balls of Steel, bet on me, don’t you? And get some of this nurturing I have to offer. 😛

By the way, this is also subtitled: “Scattered Thoughts of a Woman having her Monthly Period.” 😛

0 thoughts on “This is How I Love

  1. its a very nice analogy between playing dota and love and between playing poker and love.

    just goes on to show how universal love is.
    this is a very good article

  2. This is a great post. I ran across it last night and it really spoke volumes to me. I also love gaining insight to the person behind the post and this really does that.

    I’ve been in a relationship with someone that was the nurturing type as you described. The problem that I really had with it was it was just as you said. It felt more like a mother than anything else and for me that was just not right. I do understand and have known guys that have needed a mother figure to do everything for them for some crazy reason. One of my friends actually had his girlfriend cut up his meat for him when we went out to a restaurant. These are the guys you really do not want to deal with. Same with guys having to deal with these types of girls.

    I’ve had a lot of time to think about these types of things and I’ve come up with this. For me, I do not need a woman to do things for me and don’t like it when they do so in excess or even at all. I can take care of myself. When I get into a relationship with someone it is not because I NEED them, but because I WANT them. I WANT to spend time with them because they make me happy and my life is more fulfilling because of them.

    I also understand the Check, Check and more Check mentality. When you really like someone it is sometimes better not to know how they feel. Humans are funny, aren’t they?

    I hope you find the man that WANTS to be with you and does not NEED you to do everything for them. That sounds really weird, doesn’t it, but to me it makes sense. 🙂

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