From Friends to…

Sometimes you think you have chemistry with a person but when the relationship develops from friendship to more than friendship… WEIRD LANG! People always say the best relationships are found or starts out with friendship.

There’s this guy you see… we’ve been friends for months and I have been quite closey-closey to him thinking he wasn’t and wouldn’t be interested in something more. But lately… things have been different. I don’t usually read between the lines or assume things but this one’s different. I know, definitely know, he’s interested. And it’s weirding me out.

We’ve been fine, very much ok, more than fine as friends, as buddies. Bakit kasi eh… I really don’t get how we got from there to here, from being friends to this awkward place we’re in right now. My friend is saying it must be my weight loss. (unsure) Maybe I am not really mature when it comes to these things.

You see… I’m the kind of girl who categorizes guys. On this corner are my guy friends. If you get close enough to me, you are a close guy friend with whom I will probably never have any romantic eklavus with. And on the other corner are the guys I flirt with, date, and maybe have a romantic relationship with. Rarely does a guy go from one corner to another. And those have failed MISERABLY. (doh)

So how do we get from here to there? From being friends to being… well more than friends? (What a stupid cliche, I know.) ABANGAN!

0 thoughts on “From Friends to…

  1. Girlfriend, you sound like you dont like the corner u found him on! Try walking down the street a little further.


  2. Maybe its has been his intention to “woo” you from the start, either he is torpe and being vague with his intentions or your just subconsciously being thick/manhid. lulkatz. 😉

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