Letting Go and Moving On

It has been a rollercoaster ride. A very enjoyable and happy one. But we have to end it, and we both know why. Even before it even began, we knew this was coming. Too many issues, to many complications that not even our feelings for each other, no matter how strong, can overcome. I am hoping, as I know you are too, that this is not really the end of it. But we both know that for now, this is good bye.

Nonetheless, thank you! Thank you for taking care of me, and making me feel special and important! Thank you for making time, and exerting effort even if you had little time or energy! Thank you for the lessons I have learned throughout these weeks. I appreciate everything you did and gave. I want you to know that despite this heartbreak here, I consider our short time together very special and memorable. What we had might not be a real relationship, just something a bit more than friendship. But it was an eye-opening one. Thank you for making me believe, for showing me I can have what I want and what I deserve!

It might be hard to find someone who can take care of me and give me what we had for a very short time, but I am hopeful I will. It might never happen, but at least I have had this short time with you to remind me, always, that there are good guys out there. That I deserve to be respected, taken care of, and loved.

Life, both yours and mine, is much too complicated for this to work right now, and for us not to end up hating each other. So even if it pains me to let go and move on, I have to. And you should to. I know you’re confused and find it hard to make a decision and choose. But I know, clarity will come. There will be a time, when everything that confuses you, everything you’re thinking about won’t matter. All that will matter is what will make you happy, and what will help you grow as a person. You might be older than me and have more experiences, but we both know it is I that knows better. Right now, I am lending you my strength and that clarity that I have somehow achieved. I wish for you to finally realize and pursue your happiness.

For now, I am letting go and moving on. It is hard, and it pains me to see you sad. But we both know I have to do it. For me. And for you. While we are happy with whatever we had, we both know it is not good for us. So I am moving on. I am going to go out and open up myself to other people, other experiences. I am still hopeful, but I will not hold on to that hope. I will not live my life hoping. I have to take control, and find my own happiness. I know you understand these. Every word, every line here, I have already told you. But I am writing it here so we may never forget why we made that decision, why we are letting go and moving on. We both know we don’t want to. But we have to.

I wish for you clarity, peace of mind and happiness. I am hoping that the next time we cross paths, our lives won’t be so complicated and we both know what we really want and need. It might not be each other, but at least we are certain we are making the right path to happiness. Find your bliss, as I am now moving on to find mine.

Again, thank you for the memories! 🙂

0 thoughts on “Letting Go and Moving On

  1. aawww… letting go is hard. for writing this, you’re one strong woman 🙂

  2. @Kuya and Gwing, awww…. And it’s so hard to find a guy that you approve of pa naman.

    @Ate Aileen, DAPAT LANG!

    @dementia, I know… :'(

    @ivyhoneylou, Thank you! 🙂

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