Business Cards

There was a time when I didn't like bringing calling cards (or business cards) to events and meet ups. I tried to avoid giving away my contact information to random people to avoid being contacted by annoying or stalker-y people. But I have realized that having a business card handy is advisable for people who freelance like me, or who like networking with a lot of people. After all, I get a lot of opportunities just by giving away my card and making that distinct impression on people when I give away my card. My new set of calling cards is by April of Artisan Design Studio. I had her print a two-sided card for me. On one side are my credentials as a member of Junior Chamber International Davaoeña Daba Daba along with my relevant contact information, my photo, and our organization's website. It uses a generic JCI business card template. On the flip side, I have a bit of my credentials as a professional blogger, as a social media consultant and marketing officer, and as a lifestyle columnist. Under each specialization, I put in the organization where I am associated with and the link to that organization's blog…

Photography by Eight Espino, Hair and Make Up by Envy Me Salon

My 29th Year Part Deux

Despite the illness, the challenges of my house arrest, and the extra safety and health precautions I have to take, I am very grateful to be alive. There was a change in me. and people noticed. I gained a ton of weight, around 20 lbs. And then there was less drinking, less night outs, less stress, and less work. While I was sick, I had to skip a lot of events and was given less workload. While resting, I pondered on a lot of things like love and relationships, forgiveness, letting go and moving on, and many other things about life and dealing with its challenges. This was when I accepted that I couldn't control a lot of things in my life and I accepted it, not quite wholeheartedly, but there was acceptance. I realized that there was really nothing else I'd like to do more than to write. And I told myself I was going to be ok as long as I can write and share my crazy thoughts to the world. I was allowed to go to Metro Manila with the Avatar Media Team for WordCamp Philippines 2010. I delivered the opening remarks to the event and was…

Paraiso Verde Resort and Water Park

Paraiso Verde Resort and Water Park Opens to the Public

I am not a beach or outdoorsy person, but there's one thing that excites me, a world-class tourist destination in my beloved Mindanao. Paraiso Verde Resort and Water Park has been teasing the public with the promise of a world-class resort and water park that will be the biggest in Mindanao and one of the best in the world. Paraiso Verde boasts of four exciting water attractions: the Moby Wave Pool, the largest wave pool in Mindanao that features a giant water bucket; the Adventura River Rapids which will take you on an adrenaline filled watery ride; the Wiggles Kiddie Pool for your little ones; and the Freestyle Swim Pool for no-frills swimming for fitness and recreation purposes. Plus they have food and beverage establishments, cozy cottages, a souvenir shop, and other facilities that will ensure that each guest is happy, comfortable, and safe. Sounds absolutely fun, right? Paraiso Verde spells pure fun for everyone. And the time is finally here. This weekend, Paraiso Verde will finally open its gates to the public in a Grand Opening Celebration that will surely delight everyone. On July 16, 2011 VIPs and Paraiso Verde's guests will be entertained only by the best. There…

Davao Basic Photography Workshop by Eight Espino

Basic Photography Workshop by Eight Espino

Eight Espino will be holding another Basic Photography Workshop on July 30 - 31, 2011. Eight and his team will be covering basic photography topics for DSLR users. Some of the topics to be discussed are Components of the DSLR, Shutter Speed and Aperture, Proper Exposure, and using the Full Manual Mode. Basic Photoshop topics such as Basic Tools, Easy Steps to Photo Enhancement, and Understanding layers will also be discussed. DSLR camera users who don't know how to fully utilize their camera will benefit from this two day workshop. The workshop fee of P2,600 will include a model photo shoot, snacks, and lunch. For slot reservations, contact Sev at +63933-7201212. If you are a blogger and would like to win a free slot to this workshop, write a blog post about this workshop. Include the following: Workshop banner downloadable from this link: Workshop details including the date of the workshop and the contact information: Sev at +63933-7201212 Link to Eight Espino's Blog: The reason why you want to join the workshop After writing your blog post, please comment in this blog post with your Full Name and the Blog Post URL. Please make sure you fill out…