A Lesson on Leadership from Jiro

I finally watched Jiro Dreams of Sushi. I was moved and inspired by the film. I had wanted to write an extensive blog post about it but I am at loss for words. Instead, here’s an insight on leadership which was reinforced by the movie: “Lead by example.”

I have heard it and read it many times and I believe in it but never have I seen it so succinctly displayed as by sushi master Jiro Ono. He is disciplined, dedicated, and committed that even his suppliers don’t care about gaining profit and selling, they just want to be part of his success.

He shows up for work everyday, ready and committed to elevating his craft. No matter how successful he is, he sticks to his routine and never loses the thirst for excellence. He competes not with others but with himself. He shows his apprentices and his sons the kind of discipline and passion that would make them succeed.

You could say he’s strict or rigorous, but his apprentices and his sons yearn for nothing more than to be as good as him because they see that Jiro is most strict and demanding of himself more than he is of others. His kind of leadership inspires his apprentices to work harder and to strive to be better.

In the end, Jiro attributes his success to his team. He says he has the easiest job because his team does all the hard work. In my opnion, as a leader, he has the hardest job. It might sound easy but to be so disciplined, hard working, and committed as him is hard work. And he does it with so much passion that he need not impart words of wisdom, his example is enough to inspire his team.

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