Dear Love 09/02

September 2, 2019
3:51 am

Dear Love,

I’m working on my blog and I saw two unpublished drafts. This is the first one.

June 3, 2019
2:36 am

Dear Love,
I’m sitting at the breakfast table eating pizza while watching a Filipino romance film when it hit me.

Do not fall back into a habit just because it feels comfortable or easy. You deserve better. You can demand more.

Nobody else can fight for your own happiness as much as you could. So stay afloat. Do not settle. Fight because you are your best advocate.

Never forget you deserve happiness. You deserve love. You are worthy.

I do not remember why I wrote this but never published. But I needed this today. Thank you, love!

And I am reminded of my post from last March:

Yes, love. You are worthy. Fight for your own happiness. It is not selfish or self-centered. There is nothing to give if you do not have any for yourself. So fight for people. Fight for what you believe in. But fight for yourself first.

And to those who feel like people undervalued them or they are not appreciated enough, I say to you… value yourself. Appreciate yourself. Love yourself. It might not seem enough but yes, it is.


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