Being Blonde and Being Bold

Ria Jose as a Blonde
Ria Jose as a Blonde
Hair by Envy Me Salon

I have to be honest, I went blonde because I caved in to peer pressure. Lelz! The moment I saw four of my friends go blonde and they didn’t look bad at all… I decided I’d go for it and that the Nicki Minaj Concert would be the best alibi for it.

I had about one week to think about it but decided that since I had declared I would do it, I had to do it. With my fingers crossed, I went blonde. It wasn’t really something I was comfortable about. And until now, I must admit I’m not to confident about it.

But I like it. I like how, at 30 years old, I am still able to go beyond my comfort zone and do something outrageous. Not as outrageous as some people would think but for me going blonde is a bold step. Being the vain person that I am, going blonde means sticking out, and not always in a good way.

Some people actually tease me that I look darker or that I look weird. It took a while for my daddy absorb that I actually dyed my hair blonde. He thought I was just wearing a wig. Haha! And me niece told me I look like Nicki Minaj.

Ria Jose and Niece Paige
“Tita Ria, you look like Nicki Minaj.”

Going blonde was not a statement. It was more of… “what the f it looks good on my friends, I want to try it.” And as Kring told Poyt, on going blonde: “YOLO!” It means, “You only live once!” Poyt had to look it up. Haha!

So I like this blonde me… uncomfortable and uncertain, but willing to try new things. Bold. Not yet bold enough to do crazy adventure stuff though. But bold enough not too care too much about what others would say. They say blondes have more fun, I think there’s a whole lot of truth to that. Blondes, according to the stereotype, don’t really care if they’re being dumb or stupid. And sometimes, that’s more fun than being pedantic about looks, image, or reputation.

Live. Love. Learn.

2 thoughts on “Being Blonde and Being Bold

  1. I went blonde at 38 and I’m loving it… also, I love the part that I visit the hair salon every after three months or’s about time to feel good about ourselves.

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