WayV x Taemin Playlist

Two of my favorite KPOP artists recently released new music. Sharing with you here my WayV On My Youth x Taemin Guilty Playlist. Taemin Guilty On October 30, SHINee's Taemin released his 4th Mini Album GUILTY. The title track is Guilty and it has 6 tracks in total. My favorites are The Rizzness and Not Over You. Taemin is my favorite KPop artist and one of my top favorite artists overall. My TAEMIN Guilty Album Unboxing is on my Youtube channel now: LINK. Related Link: More SHINee WayV On My Youth Meanwhile, my favorite NCT unit WayV released their 2nd Album just a few days later. The album is On My Youth with a title track of the same name. It has 10 tracks in total including an English version of On My Youth. My favorites from the album are Invincible and Rodeo. WayV On My Youth x Taemin Guilty Playlist I collaborated with local SHINee fanbase SHINee World Academy Philippines (SWAPh) to host a Taemin x WayV Listening Party on Stationhead. https://open.spotify.com/playlist/20nAqLl5qanrdiO2irsYuG?si=0c7152d1e488450a I created the playlist with the songs from the 2 new albums. Plus, their older releases that fit the vibe and story of the new songs. Hope…

TypeKita is Here

Do you enjoy reading and writing stories? I do. As do most Filipinos. If you are looking for a new way to enjoy fiction, a new app TypeKita is here. During the TypeKita Launch event, the app and its various features and exciting opportunities for readers and writers were introduced. Enjoying Fiction I rediscovered my love for fiction during the pandemic due to the variety and abundance of fanfiction readily available and easy to digest online. Pre-pandemic, I was struggling to reignite my love fore fiction and for reading but I never quite had the right mindset for it. But I was happy to discover that fanfiction and short-form fiction actually gave me the enjoyment I was looking for. Although, I never really considered myself a creative writer, moreso a fiction writer, exposure to fiction encouraged me to explore creative writing. Furthermore, it was really eye-opening to be exposed to different cultures, backgrounds, and lifestyles through the stories I read. Plus, the people I met through the KPop fanfiction community really helped me to be more open-minded. So when I heard about the TypeKita Launch, I got excited. Introducing TypeKita During the launch, the team behind the app shared that…

Solo Dating Ideas

I'm single. Unmarried. No partner. Most years I would spend Valentine's Season dating myself. Obviously, not on the day itself. That's a hassle. Anyway, the past few years I have been spending it here at home. And I quite enjoy it. To be honest, I date myself even on other days. Anytime I feel like it. Here are my Solo Dating Ideas if you want to have a fun and memorable day. What is Solo Dating? I am not even sure if that is a legit term for it but it is the word I use when I go out and date myself. Been doing it since I was in college. And I have been doing it more often now that I am usually just at home. I love eating alone. Watching a movie alone. Basically, treating myself to a fun time. Alone. Before, I would usually do it when I want to celebrate something special. Not necessarily Valentine's Day or my birthday. But anything I want to celebrate. Like closing a client deal. Finishing a project. Whatever or whenever I feel happy. Or even when I feel sad. Preparing for your Solo Date What makes a solo date different…