TypeKita is Here

Do you enjoy reading and writing stories? I do. As do most Filipinos. If you are looking for a new way to enjoy fiction, a new app TypeKita is here. During the TypeKita Launch event, the app and its various features and exciting opportunities for readers and writers were introduced. Enjoying Fiction I rediscovered my love for fiction during the pandemic due to the variety and abundance of fanfiction readily available and easy to digest online. Pre-pandemic, I was struggling to reignite my love fore fiction and for reading but I never quite had the right mindset for it. But I was happy to discover that fanfiction and short-form fiction actually gave me the enjoyment I was looking for. Although, I never really considered myself a creative writer, moreso a fiction writer, exposure to fiction encouraged me to explore creative writing. Furthermore, it was really eye-opening to be exposed to different cultures, backgrounds, and lifestyles through the stories I read. Plus, the people I met through the KPop fanfiction community really helped me to be more open-minded. So when I heard about the TypeKita Launch, I got excited. Introducing TypeKita During the launch, the team behind the app shared that…