Entering Jurassic Park

A few days ago, I posted this on my Ria Jose Facebook Page: I created the post in celebration of #ScienceFictionDay. But it also gave me soooo many memories. As far as I can remember, Jurassic Park was the film that piqued my interest in the sci-fi genre. First Cinema Experience Interestingly, my first memory of watching a film in the cinema was another sci-fi film. All I remember was it was a King Kong film and the first scene I remember was King Kong in a some sort of hospital bed or operating table. Via Google Search, I recently found out that this movie was "King Kong Lives." King Kong Lives Movie Poster According to Wikipedia, it was released in 1986. I was around 4 years old in 1986 but I am not too sure if the film was released in our city on the same year or if my memory is accurate. I did enjoy that movie and many other sci-fi movies like ET, Batteries Not Included, Back to the Future, and even Robocop. But I was not particularly attached or fascinated by these films. Entering Jurassic Park Sometime in the early 1990s, I saw the trailer for…