Kring Does Poyt and Poyt Does Kring

Poyt and Kring or Kring and Poyt? The three of us were waiting for our food at Heaven n Eggs and we got bored sooo... TADA! Camwhoring time! Do you see a pattern? A camera + very long waiting time for food + Camwhores = FUNNEH PHOTOS! I miss my Kring and Poyt! :(

The Ultimate Camwhoring Gadget

Everybody knows I'm a camwhore, and being that I would like to have this ultimate camwhoring gadget... LOL! The "inventor" forgot to put a sort of mirror so it would reflect the display so the camwhores would know how the photo would look like.

Something to Make You Smile

You've probably seen this. And it's not totally pc and all... but I want to share this with you. Just to warn those who might not know... the title of the act is "Achmed the Dead Terrorist": It made me smile and laugh. Life is sooo.... weird, and funny! It's also depressing and sad... then again... you can always choose to laugh and smile.