This is How I Love

Alternate Title: The Way I Play DotA and Poker is Also The Way I Love Subtitle: P*TANG INA! SATC and Grey's Anatomy Marathons are EEEVIL! I'm a pretty aggressive person who does and say things when and how I want to do and say it. I curse more than the average person, and I go out and do things that my relatives aren't proud of. In fact, they cringe at most of the things I do. One recent conversation with my relatives pointed to me as having inherited most, if not all, of the bad habits of my aunts and uncle: academic underachievement, drinking, gambling, and more. I'm a bad girl, I know. But when it comes to love, I am no bad girl and no aggressor. I love the way I play DotA. As a DotA player, I play support most of the time. I take care of my teammates and make sure they look and perform well. And by golly, I am the same way in most relationships. I'm a nurturer. I take care of people. (SHUDDAP!) I make sure they eat on time, do things the right way, and do the things they have to accomplish. I…

I Miss Him… Or It

It's been months... almost two months. We've been friends since then. But I miss him. Or maybe I miss what we had... having that someone who is always there. I know we were never physically with each other, but there was something across the miles through messages, chats, calls, and even the moments we were just thinking of each other that was comforting. And it's not just him making lambing or trying to make pa-cute. I miss the thought of being with someone, taking care of someone, of the idea that I matter to someone, that somebody listens and understands what I say and do, and even those I don't say and do. Maybe I am in love with love, maybe I just need that somebody to be there with me, maybe... It's all so confusing. There are times when I am happy, when I am at peace with what happened, fully accepting that what happened had to happen, that what we had was simply going nowhere. But then there are times, such as now, when I feel sad and lonely, when I reminisce and wish I could have it all again. I don't know what I really miss, need,…

The Rejz Ria Forever Fans Club

Had a meeting with my team yesterday lunch and chismoso concerned boys that they are they pried why I had puffy and dark eyebags and extra chinita eyes. So they were one of the first ones to know what happened. Last night, the team had a game and wonder of wonders... the ex was online and wanted to be a game observer. My team, again being "concerned" and all, chatted with him and teased him mercilessly. We now even have a "Rejz Ria Forever Fans Club" (RRFFC) founded by SubangKyut and Sarte. LOL! The ex was really a good sport. We actually have a better relationship now, very friendly. Weird! And we're actually ok. Not in a showbiz "we are civil towards each other" way. It's like he's now one of my best friends. ;) I guess we'll never be the same, and we can never have the same relationship. We did come out of it hurt but not bitter and angry. For somebody who has never had a break-up before... that's quite an achievement, I think. If you are interested in joining the RRFFC, comment below with your name, mailing address, suking tindahan, and proof of purchase. :P