Solo Dating Ideas

I'm single. Unmarried. No partner. Most years I would spend Valentine's Season dating myself. Obviously, not on the day itself. That's a hassle. Anyway, the past few years I have been spending it here at home. And I quite enjoy it. To be honest, I date myself even on other days. Anytime I feel like it. Here are my Solo Dating Ideas if you want to have a fun and memorable day. What is Solo Dating? I am not even sure if that is a legit term for it but it is the word I use when I go out and date myself. Been doing it since I was in college. And I have been doing it more often now that I am usually just at home. I love eating alone. Watching a movie alone. Basically, treating myself to a fun time. Alone. Before, I would usually do it when I want to celebrate something special. Not necessarily Valentine's Day or my birthday. But anything I want to celebrate. Like closing a client deal. Finishing a project. Whatever or whenever I feel happy. Or even when I feel sad. Preparing for your Solo Date What makes a solo date different…